January 20, 2005 - McKenna Commentary
McKenna Commentary"Richard Julien is a professor at the University of Saskatchewan and a strong Canadian nationalist.
Unfortunately, CanWest and other media outlets failed to question the meaning of the reference to McKenna as "a reliable guy and you can trust him". Also, more fundamental questions which should be raised are ignored. For example:
1. What is the possible raison d'etre for a former Conservative prime minister, a current Liberal prime minister, a former Liberal premier, a former American president and a current American president to agree on the choice for the most important senior Canadian diplomatic position?
2. Is Frank McKenna a current board member with the Carlyle Group along with George Bush, Sr., James A. Baker III, Frank Carlucci, John Major, and other powerful mandarins?
3. What is the investment firm called the Carlyle Group? Is this investment firm really involved with the production of armoured vehicles, artillery, defence electronics and other spheres of the defence and aerospace industry?
4. What is the relationship between the Carlyle Group and the Saudi bin Laden Group?
5. What is McKenna's role with the Carlyle Group?
With his appointment, Ambassador McKenna has resigned from all corporate boards. The major question, however, is whether he will be able to represent Canadian interests and resist the pressures from his American corporate friends. More importantly, if McKenna already believes in further economic integration into the U.S. orbit of control, and support for Canadian participation in the US Star Wars, there will be little need for American pressure."
From : Vive le Canada
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