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Monday, March 15, 2004

Where is Raed ?: "'the West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact, non-Westerners never do.'

Samuel P. Huntington"

Prairie Business Magazine: "The Casino Hook
Since the U.S. Congress made it possible for Indian gaming to be conducted on Indian lands, the birth of the gaming industry has practically exploded on the Northern Plains and across the country.
Connie Halgren, public relations and advertising specialist for Spirit Lake Casino & Resort, says their view of Devils Lake is an enticement for guests at the 124-room facility. Spirit Lake also offers a 500-seat auditorium and meeting rooms for small groups. Historic sites nearby and a full service marina lure in anglers and the casino's restaurant, 'The View' provides a delight for sunset fans as well as seasonal entrees that include pheasant, walleye, and buffalo.
Another casino that has an eye on business meetings is the Northern Lights Casino near Walker, MN, with a recent addition of a hotel and events center to go along with 105 guest rooms and the 'Dancing Fire' restaurant. Michael Michaud, marketing manager, says the facility is just beginning to focus on more business gatherings, an effort enhanced by being a 'destination within a destination' because of the nearby golf courses that provide packages with the casino.
Many other casinos on the Northern Plains are going after the conference and business markets with gourmet dining and new meeting facilities."

Slashdot | Star Trek's Design Influence On Palm, New Tech: "Posted by simoniker on Monday March 15, @05:12PM
from the dust-puppies-and-tribbles dept.
kevcol writes 'The San Francisco Chronicle has a fun article describing how many of the inventions of Star Trek have made early appearances, 2 centuries ahead of Captain Kirk's time. They talk with one of Palm's UI designers, who admits that ' first sketches were influenced by the UI of the Enterprise bridge panels', and also notes: 'When we designed the first Treo... it had a form factor similar to the communicators in the original series. It had a speakerphone mode so you could stand there and talk into it like Capt. Kirk'.' "

Saturday, March 13, 2004

Web Pages That Suck
I started this site back in July 1996 so I wouldn't have to teach a class on Web design. Since I'm one of those extremely clever marketing folks, I chose a name that had marketing appeal and was edgy. I could have more accurately called the site "Web Pages That Have Problems" but nobody would remember and it's boring. I'm not boring.

The purpose of this web site is to help people design effective and aesthetically pleasing web pages. My methodology is somewhat different. I believe that if someone is exposed to bad web page design they'll be less likely to use these techniques in the pages they create.

People often commit the same mistakes over and over and over and over -- you get the point. By pointing out these mistakes, and being told that they are mistakes, you can avoid them when you design your web pages.

Monday, March 08, 2004

Bad Science: "Be very, very careful what you put into that head,
because you will never, ever get it out.
Thomas Cardinal Wolsey (1471-1530)
Bad Science
Click on the symbol for its explanation.

This page is maintained by Alistair B. Fraser in an attempt to sensitize teachers and students to examples of the bad science often taught in schools, universities, and offered in popular articles and even textbooks.

However, it will gladly link to other sites which explore the same pedagogical isues of bad science.
Here, I explain what I mean by bad science and provide pointers to specialized pages on bad science within various disciplines. In particular this page points to Bad Meteorology , a page also maintained by Alistair B. Fraser.

How to Save the World: "THE BLOGGING PROCESS
A pretentious and presumptuous attempt to document what bloggers have learned, without any formal instruction, to do every day.

And then a description of what's needed to make blogs a medium for real conversation.

For some bloggers, just writing is enough. For most of us, though, we're looking to the blogosphere to provide us with useful and interesting information, education, entertainment and/or inspiration for our writing, and feedback, a critical audience, and help with the creative and publishing process. That process looks (to me at least) something like this:"

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

ATSIC - As a Matter of a Fact: "News Room
As a Matter of Fact"

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