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Sunday, February 29, 2004

Google Stop fooling ( like to use another modifier ) with the Internet and index it!

Google is blocking web sites from search returns

Establishment - An established social order, as: A group of people holding most of the power and influence in a government or society. Illuminati - the group of social, economic, and political leaders (up front and/or behind the scenes) who form a ruling class.

The word conspiracy, as it relates to this site, will be defined in the context of a scheme: to act in harmony toward a common end. Since the days of Rothschild and Weishaupt this conspiracy/scheme has centered upon hegemony. The people have not submitted to this power, they consent to it - though it is clearly not in their own best interest. Hegemony is a form of control in which those who have power maintain their position, not through force, but through the elaboration of a particular ideology or world view. This form of social control is long lasting, it is an effective, and patient, tactic.

The establishment, and their puppet politicians, use mysteriously vague language such as: the new world order, global governance, globalism, globalization, the new age, population control, sustainable development, consensus, synthesis, transformation - the vocabulary of doublespeak grows daily. As it has been known for centuries, "alchemists conceal in order to baffle the vulgar." This site exists for the sole purpose of penetrating the veil.